SAMS Ocean Explorer

Feeling the heat: Marine heatwaves on the rise

Scottish Association for Marine Science Season 1 Episode 3

Marine heatwaves are becoming more common and more intense.
They can have devastating effects on ocean life, particularly corals and other species that are fixed in one location.
This year, large parts of the ocean have been at a state of near permanent heatwave, with one particular heatwave off northern UK, lasting 237 days, from August 2022 to April 2023. 
To learn more, we speak to Prof Mike Burrows, part of the research team that defined the term 'marine heatwave', and oceanographer Dr Sam Jones.

The Ocean Explorer podcast is produced by the Scottish Association for Marine Science (SAMS), an ocean research institute and partner of UHI based in Oban.
In each episode, we take a deep dive into marine science topics with SAMS scientists and special guests.
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